Adding Linkedin URL and Company Name to Your Profile For More Comprehensive Removals
You can improve your scan and removal results by adding your Linkedin URL and the name(s) of the company(s) you've worked for in your profile. Adding this information is Optional, but highly recommended for professionals as it helps us locate and remove your profiles from data brokers with greater accuracy and thoroughness. If you add your Linkedin URL and/or company names, we may submit this information to some data brokers for disambiguation and to help them confirm the correct record that should be removed.
Note: Optery does not cover Linkedin for scans or removals and does not make any attempt to connect to your Linkedin account or to opt you out of Linkedin whatsoever. Optery only removes your personal information from the data broker sites we cover listed here and those you submit via Custom Removals. Interactions with Linkedin are beyond the scope of Optery's service.
Go to the Addt’l Info tab of your Manage Profile page (

Enter the URL of your LinkedIn profile. Learn how to locate your LinkedIn Profile URL here: (

Add the names of your Current and Previous Employers.

Learn how to locate your LinkedIn Profile URL here: (
Currently, you can only select one current employer at this time. Support for listing multiple current employers is something we plan to add in the future.
As a reminder and as stated in the Optery Privacy Policy (, "Optery does not sell or rent personal information to any third parties for any purpose. Optery is not a data broker."
Note: Optery does not cover Linkedin for scans or removals and does not make any attempt to connect to your Linkedin account or to opt you out of Linkedin whatsoever. Optery only removes your personal information from the data broker sites we cover listed here and those you submit via Custom Removals. Interactions with Linkedin are beyond the scope of Optery's service.
How It Works:
Go to the Addt’l Info tab of your Manage Profile page (

Enter the URL of your LinkedIn profile. Learn how to locate your LinkedIn Profile URL here: (

Add the names of your Current and Previous Employers.

Important Information:
Learn how to locate your LinkedIn Profile URL here: (
Currently, you can only select one current employer at this time. Support for listing multiple current employers is something we plan to add in the future.
As a reminder and as stated in the Optery Privacy Policy (, "Optery does not sell or rent personal information to any third parties for any purpose. Optery is not a data broker."
Updated on: 27/02/2024
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