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Why should I keep my Optery subscription active on an ongoing basis?

Many of our customers want to understand the benefits of keeping their Optery subscription active on an ongoing basis. They are also often curious why Optery is not sold as a one-time fee for the removals.

We do see some customers activate their subscription for a few months, monitor the progress of their removals, and then cancel their plan to downgrade back down to the Free Basic tier after they are satisfied or progress has slowed. The Free Basic tier sends ongoing Exposure Reports approximately every 3 months (provided the user has logged in in the last ~3 months), so when they see more profiles start to pop back up on their Exposure Report, they re-activate their subscription.

However, there are significant benefits to keeping the subscription active on an ongoing basis, and the majority of our customers do keep their subscription active on an ongoing basis. For example:

Optery performs monthly automated scans and removals for our paying customers, so if your profile pops back up unexpectedly, this will be flagged and we'll start removing it immediately.
Optery continually adds new data brokers to its coverage, so if you keep the service running, you automatically get covered for new data brokers as they are added to your plan. Using a fictitious example, let's say you signed up in March when we covered 200 data brokers, and then cancelled your plan in June. But then in August, September, and October, Optery added coverage for 15 more data brokers in each of those months, then by November, you'd be missing out on coverage for an additional 45 data brokers.
Sometimes we struggle with a Dishonorable Data Broker for several months, and then get a breakthrough and get them to start honoring opt outs, and are able to get a waterfall of profiles removed at that data broker.
For paying customers, Optery delivers Removals Reports approximately every 3 months with before and after screen shots displaying evidence of your removals. These reports provide peace of mind so you can actually see evidence that your profiles were removed.

Updated on: 17/06/2024

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