Does Optery work in other countries than the United States (e.g. Canada, U.K., Australia, Netherlands)?
If you are signing up as an individual or as a family for an Optery personal account, No, Optery only works for U.S. residents at this time. However, you can still create an account, and we'll notify you when we begin supporting your country.
If you are signing up as a business via Optery for Business, Yes, Optery does work for non-U.S. international residents for organizations that exceed certain subscription volume thresholds (e.g. 20+ subscriptions). If you are an Optery for Business prospect or customer, please inquire at to determine if your organization is eligible non-U.S. international coverage.
If you are signing up as a business via Optery for Business, Yes, Optery does work for non-U.S. international residents for organizations that exceed certain subscription volume thresholds (e.g. 20+ subscriptions). If you are an Optery for Business prospect or customer, please inquire at to determine if your organization is eligible non-U.S. international coverage.
Updated on: 03/28/2023
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